Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Meyer

The following is a resource recommendation I made for my deer peer Ben Meyer (unintentional rhyme). Have a field day with it!

Audience Question: How did you practice your editorial skills this week in peer review?

Author Response

Perform the activity and then write a concise but detailed blog post that includes:
  • I reviewed Ben Meyer's Production Schedule.
  • I selected to make a resource recommendation on Ben's production schedule.
  • I believe I aided Ben in his production schedule by giving him advice on what he could do to go through with his production schedule. I incorporated brainstorming suggestions of sorts mentioned from the Student's Guide into my feedback of his production schedule.
  • I loved that Ben's schedule seems very detail and thorough which is something that inspires me to get my lazy butt off the couch and go execute my own schedule as well.

Below is a link to my comment on Ben's schedule.

"Hey Ben. nice layout of your work for the production schedule! 

Some tips I would recommend to you would be to carefully brainstorm out other possible scenarios you could have in your schedule where you can go through the content and formatting of your QRG. Also, I would advise to make sure you take time in your schedule to add more images and hyperlinks to your QRG.

Good luck!"

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