Monday, March 14, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

The following is an invite to the rough cut of my project 2. The format is in QRG and the field that the project is based around is Chemistry. The project 2 rough cut is here.

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

Author Response

Some key points to recognize is that my current rough cut of the second project is super rough. It is literally so rough that if it was a film, it'd go direct to dvd. Some weaknesses of the cut is that it is very vague and not that specific. It yearns for images, maybe some hyperlinking, and more work on the spacing between bits of information.

A big strength I see in this cut is that it has its structure built out for itself. Also, it has working hyperlinks to major examples of genres and is concise at times in some areas.


  1. Hey Marvin, I have a few comments for your rough draft that you might find helpful!

    With regards to your hyperlinking, I would definitely change it so that it's integrated with the text rather than being a separate link like it is right now.

    Second, I would remove a couple of the sub-headings within each of your genre sections and make it a more cohesive piece rather than what seems to just list a few things at a time.

    Finally, adding images and additional hyperlinking examples would greatly increase the interactivity of the article!

  2. Hey Marvin!

    I understand that it is a rough cut of the project, so for what it is, you seem to have your entire project laid out and all that needs to be done is to fill in content, so good work on that.

    When you do create your content, here are some suggestions:
    Make sure that your introductory paragraph spends some time discussing your field of study but do not make it so that that is the entire introduction. You want to make sure that you include the main idea of the project more than anything and make sure the main idea of the project is clear to the reader.
    When doing a QRG, I would more than just a sub-heading per genre. Get specific with these sub-headings.
    Make sure to include ALL types of media in your QRG, and this includes videos, gifs, images, and graphs to back up your argument.
    White space is your friend. In my QRG, I had huge blocks of text so don't make the reader feel like they are reading an essay, break up information into littler paragraphs to make the reader feel like they are reading a "quick" reference guide.
    Every time you use a piece of evidence you found online or elsewhere, be sure to use the hyperlink feature to establish your own credibility.

    Those are my suggestions, other than that, the title is creative, keep up the good work!

  3. Hey Marvin!

    I can definitely tell that you know what you're talking about so that is definitely encouraging. You definitely have the content you need at least mostly developed and I think that from a content standpoint you have it all figured out.

    From a form standpoint, however, there is still a bit to be done I think. A QRG is a visual, interactive, genre and at thins point I think the only genre convention that you've really embraced is subheadings. While on the topic of subheadings I noticed that some of them said thinks like "creative title", it doesn't need to be creative so much as deliberate and easily understood.

    Links and hyperlinks should definitely be present as well as that is the only way to cite information. Adding hyperlinks and pictures would make this really feel like a QRG but you do have the white space down so that's definitely a positive.

    There are some genre conventions to mess with but I know this is rough cut so you'll definitely figure it out.

    - Julia
