Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Content Online

Here is a snippet of how my project will be structured out from the inside. This is like the vertebrae of the project if you will. 

Audience Question: How are you going to organize your project?

I.    Opening
The field being put under the spotlight for this project is Chemistry. Possibly provide brief background info on  interviewees and brief descriptions of the genres in question. (possibly identify the genres selected to analyze). This project could most likely be for people who are interested in the field of Chemistry or novice chemistry writers hoping to learn some techniques used in the writing of their profession. I can possibly grab reader's attention with either a quote from one of my interviewees or ask a question.

II. Body

A.   Chemical Education Journal (example 1)

Genre: Chemical Education Journal

Genre example:
Mapping Students’ Modes of Reasoning When Thinking About Chemical Reactions Used to Make a Desired Product

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Tables (from the bulleted list in SG)

Major piece of evidence: The "Main modes of reasoning expressed by study participants" and "Table 1" tables.

Summary of what the evidence proves: The author uses the The Table 1  to use analytical questioning when asking students about certain answers to particular chemical equations. The "Main modes of reasoning.." table is used to display percentages to the numerous responses the participants of their questionings were giving to the author.

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, the display of tables and even stats as referenced in these tables are important because in science since in order for the audience to interpret the points the author is trying to make, they need to understand how, and what kinds of information was being recorded by the author from the students. That is, the chemical questions posed to the students as well to the responses these students were giving and the frequency they were being given at.

 B.       Chemical Poster Poster (example 2)

Genre: Chemical poster

Genre example: DNA and RNA Phototherapeutics 

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Images (from the bulleted list in SG)

Major piece of evidence: The visual image of the procedure of phototherapy and the images of the molecular structures of compounds.

Summary of what the evidence proves: These show how the author uses imagery to create a logical and simpleness in the complicated chemical jargon discussed in the poster. The phototherapy is displayed as a visual drawing in an order to show logic behind phototherapy. The molecular structures of the compounds provide visual evidence into what the compounds are composed of. 

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, using imagery is key in order to help the audience  (especially those who are not well informed on the matter at hand) better visualize the procedures and structures that the processes and compounds appear to be. This will help the audience grasp terminology better from the poster.

C. Chemical Educational Video

GenreChemical Educational Video

Genre example: Enthalpy

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Calculations and Tables 

Major piece of evidence: The video demonstrates calculations used to determine the enthalpy of certain chemical reactions as well as tables of data to use for such calculations.

Summary of what the evidence proves: These show how the author uses mathematics and tables to prove to the audience on how to resolve certain problems correlating around enthalpy of reactions

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, the calculations and tables are used to support the claims the author of the video is making in terms of resolving chemical issues involving enthalpy. They back the author's claims up and also help the audience grab a better understanding of how the calculations and tables are handled.

III.     Conclusion

A.     Recap similarities and differences spotted in each genre example in terms of the rhetorical situation.

B.   Recap similarities and differences in each genre in terms of the rhetorical strategies.

The significance of all these chemical genres are important as they help solve everyday problems in the world (since Chemistry is happening everywhere) and it helps explain to people what reactions occur around them using Chemistry.

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