Monday, May 2, 2016

Production Report a

The following is a cleaned up version of what I plan to say in my introduction of my podcast.

Audience Questions
  1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I presented more content to make it feel like an intro with more detail and more sentences.

  1. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

There was minor difficulties since I plan on just speaking casually instead of scripted for the podcast.

“Outline Item” 


Attention Grabber: I'm an 80's wrestler when it comes to writing. I got only one good gimmick and it's managed to keep my tush afloat academic wise in every course that has required writing of sorts throughout my academic career. Like many 80's wrestlers though, I've had to adapt myself to a new era. The era known as college. *Gulps*

“Adaptation of Outline Item”


Attention Grabber: I'm an 80's wrestler when it comes to writing. I got only one good gimmick and it's managed to keep my tush afloat academic wise in every course that has required writing of sorts throughout my academic career. Like many 80's wrestlers though, I've had to adapt myself to a new era. The era known as college. *Gulps*

The history of my writing can be traced back to when I was a wee lad dreaming of making movies, songs, comic books, the works so to speak. I would read mainly comic books, online sports articles, movie articles, etc. I never really read anything academic or formal like unless it is for school or it is something that catches my eye like say classic novels like Great Gatsby.

Time management wise, I have been getting better. I would always do things way ahead of time when I was younger then something snapped. I am now tend to procrastinate a bit often which is a really bad habit like drugs and rock n roll. Okay maybe not rock but still you get the idea.

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