Monday, May 2, 2016

Content Online

Here is an idea of how I am going to dish out the last serving known as my final project for this course.


Attention Grabber: I'm an 80's wrestler when it comes to writing. I got only one good gimmick and it's managed to keep my tush afloat academic wise in every course that has required writing of sorts throughout my academic career. Like many 80's wrestlers though, I've had to adapt myself to a new era. The era known as college. *Gulps*

Section 1: Me as the Reader and Writer

Initially in my writing stages I tried to be the standard writer so to speak. I'd try to play it by the book, didn't really input my voice into what I'd turn in to my professors in elementary or early middle school. By I'd say halfway through middle school I began to realize through stuff I'd read like comic books and some online articles that "Hey, I find this stuff cool. It doesn't sound robotic, sounds natural". So ever since then I have always attempted to put my stamp on everything that I write, even if it is something academic which typically sucks the personality out of the content.

section 2: Planning and serving others
I usually begin any writing process by figuring out what is the purpose of what I'm going to write about. Usually on an essay or anything text based I start outlining a few things here and there and then I begin to compile a bunch of sources and/or ideas together and proceed to take a huge ton of time figuring out how to piece everything into a story.

Usually on text based stuff there aren't 2 drafts there is just one that is constantly evolving. That's the way I see it.

section 3: Genre & Time Management
I realized my time management sucked. I went through hell trying to finish so many assignments.
There would be countless sleepless nights, staying out on the street all the time not coming back until 3 am. It all was so surreal and just to work on English assignments. I never thought that'd be me. Or maybe I did since I am in college so.


Overall, I hope to keep progressing in the world as a writer and manage my time better. Also, I hope to help those of my peers better.

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