Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Unknown "Snowy city"  2013 via pixabay
CC0 Public Domain
The main setting of this entire controversy is set in the city of Flint, Michigan in the United States. Flint is typically very cold throughout the year; it is typically snowing and being a big city, you can hear the sounds of traffic downtown and the silence of the poverty of the neighborhoods in the suburbs. Flint, Michigan has plenty of history, having once been a powerhouse for the industrialization era in the United States. They are associated with the origin of General Motors and the car industry in America. Flint has plenty of abandoned building where companies would be located at, specifically manufacturing companies. There are parts of Flint where you can see worn down homes due to the recession of 2008 driving people out on the street. It is usually grim lit throughout the town since the weather is typically cloudy. You will unlikely feel the ray from the Sun shun down on your skin for more than two hours consecutively since it’s usually blocked out by the clouds in the sky. The plants around the city are sometimes dead due to the weather. There are some marvelous buildings to gaze upon and in some parts of the city you can smell the Flint River and see it run down its stream. People will be walking down the streets of Flint, Michigan wearing warm clothing. Right now though, you will probably see people waiting in line outside shelters or service centers where the National Guard will be handing out packets of water bottles for the people to consume to stay healthy.

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