Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment.

geralt "Let's  talk about it" 2015 via pixabay
CC0 Public Domain

1. How are you feeling about the project you just submitted for assessment? Give me your raw, unvarnished opinion of your own project overall.
I think my project was lame. I am not satisfied with the final product because of the fairly goofy tone I provided.

2. What are the major weaknesses of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be weak or under-developed.
I think my project is not as formal as it should be and maybe needed more vocabulary in it. It is entertaining though.

3. What are the major strengths of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be strong or well-developed.
I think my content clearly shows the beliefs of the stakeholders vividly with quotes and explanation of these quotes.

4. What do you think of how you practiced time management for Project 1? Did you put enough time and effort into the project? Did you procrastinate and wait till the last minute to work on things? Share any major time management triumphs or fails....
I totally failed time management wise...particularly with producing the content during production as I was unsure what the rubric actually wanted of me. I did not know whether to be entertaining or serious throughout the whole project and thus my paper is in limbo.

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