Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cluster of Stakeholders

The cluster map is located here.

In my cluster map I basically split the Flint water crisis into a good v. evil story. I wrote how the Flint residents are the protagonists and how they have lost their liberties to clean water and decent care and also mistrust from their government. They have the chance to bring the governor to justice by asking for his resignation and their health is at risk.
 On the other hand, I have Governor Rick Snyder who is somewhat the antagonist of all of this. He decided to switch the water supply for the worse just to save a few extra bucks instead of betting with the safer option that would ensure clean water to the citizens of Flint, Michigan. He is in jeopardy of losing his position as governor and has the chance to win back the love of the people of Flint and try to right his wrongs.

1 comment:

  1. Missing conventions: cited image, space between paragraphs
