Monday, March 14, 2016

Production Report 8b

The following is my second attempt at transferring a section of my outline into a sorts of raw content. Enjoy!

Outline Item: The following is an excerpt from my content outline on the second genre example from my field, the chemical poster.

Chemical Poster Poster (example 2)

Genre: Chemical poster

Genre example: DNA and RNA Phototherapeutics 

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Images 

Major piece of evidence: The visual image of the procedure of phototherapy and the images of the molecular structures of compounds.

Summary of what the evidence proves: These show how the author uses imagery to create a logical and simpleness in the complicated chemical jargon discussed in the poster. The phototherapy is displayed as a visual drawing in an order to show logic behind phototherapy. The molecular structures of the compounds provide visual evidence into what the compounds are composed of. 

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, using imagery is key in order to help the audience  (especially those who are not well informed on the matter at hand) better visualize the procedures and structures that the processes and compounds appear to be. This will help the audience grasp terminology better from the poster.

Adaptation of Outline Item

Another genre in the field of chemistry is the personally labeled "chemical poster". Unlike academic journals, the content is presented in the form of a poster. Therefore, the information is more condensed than an academic journal and is reduced of fluff so to speak.

An example of such genre is the "DNA and RNA targeting photo-therapeutics" created by Marvin Pollum and Cesar E. Crespo Hernandez.

The chemical poster uses images as a logical appeal to the audience.  The visual image of the procedure of phototherapy and the images of the molecular structures of compounds.

: These show how the author uses imagery to create a logical and simpleness in the complicated chemical jargon discussed in the poster. The phototherapy is displayed as a visual drawing in an order to show logic behind phototherapy. The molecular structures of the compounds provide visual evidence into what the compounds are composed of.

For this genre, using imagery is key in order to help the audience  (especially those who are not well informed on the matter at hand) better visualize the procedures and structures that the processes and compounds appear to be. This will help the audience grasp terminology better from the poster.

Audience Questions

1)How did you decide to use
form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here?
How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I tried to use brief and short paragraphs with a decent amount of spacing to help the viewer get a feel of this as something that could come out in a QRG.

The QRG consists of short paragraphs that are concise and well spaced out. Therefore, this is what I attempted to emulate in the following adaption that I just created.

2)How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

It went okay. There a few bumps ideally about how to space the content out to make it look pleasing to the eyes. Apart from that, the process was pretty straightforward.

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