Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Editorial Report b

The following is a "Selection from ‘Rough Cut" of my project. I selected the section which discusses chemists and what they convey. Here is the Re-edited Selection of this cut.

Audience Questions
1)How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

In the revised section I added more explanation on what the comments from my interviews related to the rhetorical concepts which I selected to use for analysis on my project.

2)How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

I changed the color of the heading to make the section easier to identify when reading the project and also highlighted certain key words in red to emphasize to the audience their significance. I also included an image of the rhetorical appeals to give the page a little more life and not make it all seem text based.

Editorial Report a

The following is a "Selection from ‘Rough Cut" of my project. I selected the section which discusses chemists and what they convey. Here is the Re-edited Selection of this cut.

Audience Questions
1)How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

In the revised section I added more explanation on not only in what format the content of chemists in presented in but how. In other words, what wording do they use, how precise and detailed it has to be, etc. 

2)How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

I changed the color of the heading to make the section easier to identify when reading the project and also highlighted certain key words in red to emphasize to the audience their significance.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Project 2

The following is my reflection on Project 2.

Audience Questions
1)What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

I think some things such as being able to get some feedback from my peers in class were useful in the production of my project. Also, I managed to observe what other classmates were doing to use more examples of each genre appropriately which I think I managed to work in well into my project.

2)What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

Some things that went wrong were figuring out how to organize my QRG appropriately. I did not understand how to use 3 examples in each genre until I got some useful responses from my classmates on what they did. Also, my time management was not very well.

3)How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
Well, next week is a new beginning with a new project which I am looking forward to. I plan on using the video format and I will see how my time management skills will flow with what I believe to be the toughest genre to produce in.

4)How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

At this point, I feel okay about the project. I feel as if I could have done more to improve on the project such as invest more time during spring break on it. I could have been more detailed with imaging and phrases from the QRG that I created for this project.

Peer Review (b) for Shauna Bratton

The following post is a peer review evaluation of project 2.

I reviewed Shauna Bratton's "The world of medicine: How do we navigate through it? " project. 
His project can be found here and my comment here.

I chose to use the content suggestion choice of review because I feel I have a good understanding about how content should be presented in a project.

I think I helped his work improve a bit by giving her interesting feedback on how the rhetorical strategies could be more explicitly defined.

I incorporated the usage of defining the rhetorical strategies from the guidelines into my review in hopes of the project to be improved.

I seriously admired Shauna's organization of the QRG. It was incredibly well organized and spaced out.

Here is my review for Shauna:

Hey Shauna, I am doing a quick review on the content of your QRG. 

I enjoyed your QRG!It is very well written out and organized. The content is wonderful ranging from examples of each genre to the rhetorical strategies found within each genre. One suggestion I would make is just to clearly define what the rhetorical strategies you are using and what they sort of mean. Other than that, wonderful!

Good luck!

Peer Review (a) for Brady Thomas

The following post is a peer review evaluation of project 2.

I reviewed Brady Thomas's "Communication in Electrical and Computer Engineering" project. 
His project can be found here and comment here.

I chose to use the content suggestion choice of review because I feel I have a good understanding about what kind of content should be used in the format that Brady is using (essay).

I think I helped his work improve a bit by giving him interesting feedback on his essay and what his citations and credibility sources in good use.

I incorporated the usage of citations from the guidelines into my review in hopes of the project to be improved.

I admired that Brady's Essay was so smooth to read and follow.

Here is my content suggestion on your project 2 :

You properly introduced your sources and did proper in text citation in your essay. It was effective and clear where in the works cited page your in cite text citations were referring to. 

I enjoyed how you went straight into the analysis of what genres those in your field of engineering use. Instead of having an intro full of fluff, you immediately went into claiming that these engineers do not really use social media to present their claims as they have too much information to share. Each body paragraph immediately points out the main genre the paragraph will be analyzing. 

One thing I would suggest could be to briefly explain what the emotional and logical appeals mean in our first paragraph, just so the audience can understand a bit more what those appeals mean. Other than that, the rest seems fine to me. A suggestion could be to trim down some unnecessary vocabulary in your essay.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

The following is an invite to the rough cut of my project 2. The format is in QRG and the field that the project is based around is Chemistry. The project 2 rough cut is here.

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?

Author Response

Some key points to recognize is that my current rough cut of the second project is super rough. It is literally so rough that if it was a film, it'd go direct to dvd. Some weaknesses of the cut is that it is very vague and not that specific. It yearns for images, maybe some hyperlinking, and more work on the spacing between bits of information.

A big strength I see in this cut is that it has its structure built out for itself. Also, it has working hyperlinks to major examples of genres and is concise at times in some areas.

Production Report 8a

The following is my first attempt to adapt a section of my outline into raw content. I must say, it is very crude but ready to be leaned up. Enjoy.

Outline Item: The following is an excerpt from my content outline on the first genre example from my field, the chemical education journal.

A.   Chemical Education Journal (example 1)

Genre: Chemical Education Journal

Genre example:
Mapping Students’ Modes of Reasoning When Thinking About Chemical Reactions Used to Make a Desired Product

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Tables 

Major piece of evidence: The "Main modes of reasoning expressed by study participants" and "Table 1" tables.

Summary of what the evidence proves: The author uses the The Table 1  to use analytical questioning when asking students about certain answers to particular chemical equations. The "Main modes of reasoning.." table is used to display percentages to the numerous responses the participants of their questionings were giving to the author.

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, the display of tables and even stats as referenced in these tables are important because in science since in order for the audience to interpret the points the author is trying to make, they need to understand how, and what kinds of information was being recorded by the author from the students. That is, the chemical questions posed to the students as well to the responses these students were giving and the frequency they were being given at.

Adaptation of Outline Item: The following is an adaption of the outline item into QRG form.

Chem Education Journal

One of the genres used in chemistry is the chemistry educational journal. This journal is used to express data connecting to educational interests related to chemistry.

Chemical Reactions Used to Make a Desired Product" by  M. L. Weinrich and V. Talanquer.

The journal uses tables as a mode of logical appeal to convey to the audience that what they are presenting is factual.

 The "Main modes of reasoning expressed by study participants" and "Table 1" tables. The author uses the The Table 1  to use analytical questioning when asking students about certain answers to particular chemical equations. The "Main modes of reasoning.." table is used to display percentages to the numerous responses the participants of their questionings were giving to the author.

For this genre, the display of tables and even stats as referenced in these tables are important because in science since in order for the audience to interpret the points the author is trying to make, they need to understand how, and what kinds of information was being recorded by the author from the students. That is, the chemical questions posed to the students as well to the responses these students were giving and the frequency they were being given at.

Audience Questions
1)How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here?
How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I tried to use brief and short paragraphs with a decent amount of spacing to help the viewer get a feel of this as something that could come out in a QRG.
The QRG consists of short paragraphs that are concise and well spaced out. Therefore, this is what I attempted to emulate in the following adaption that I just created.

2)How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

It went okay. There a few bumps ideally about how to space the content out to make it look pleasing to the eyes. Apart from that, the process was pretty straightforward.

Production Report 8b

The following is my second attempt at transferring a section of my outline into a sorts of raw content. Enjoy!

Outline Item: The following is an excerpt from my content outline on the second genre example from my field, the chemical poster.

Chemical Poster Poster (example 2)

Genre: Chemical poster

Genre example: DNA and RNA Phototherapeutics 

Rhetorical concept: Logical appeals - Images 

Major piece of evidence: The visual image of the procedure of phototherapy and the images of the molecular structures of compounds.

Summary of what the evidence proves: These show how the author uses imagery to create a logical and simpleness in the complicated chemical jargon discussed in the poster. The phototherapy is displayed as a visual drawing in an order to show logic behind phototherapy. The molecular structures of the compounds provide visual evidence into what the compounds are composed of. 

Summary of why that’s important: For this genre, using imagery is key in order to help the audience  (especially those who are not well informed on the matter at hand) better visualize the procedures and structures that the processes and compounds appear to be. This will help the audience grasp terminology better from the poster.

Adaptation of Outline Item

Another genre in the field of chemistry is the personally labeled "chemical poster". Unlike academic journals, the content is presented in the form of a poster. Therefore, the information is more condensed than an academic journal and is reduced of fluff so to speak.

An example of such genre is the "DNA and RNA targeting photo-therapeutics" created by Marvin Pollum and Cesar E. Crespo Hernandez.

The chemical poster uses images as a logical appeal to the audience.  The visual image of the procedure of phototherapy and the images of the molecular structures of compounds.

: These show how the author uses imagery to create a logical and simpleness in the complicated chemical jargon discussed in the poster. The phototherapy is displayed as a visual drawing in an order to show logic behind phototherapy. The molecular structures of the compounds provide visual evidence into what the compounds are composed of.

For this genre, using imagery is key in order to help the audience  (especially those who are not well informed on the matter at hand) better visualize the procedures and structures that the processes and compounds appear to be. This will help the audience grasp terminology better from the poster.

Audience Questions

1)How did you decide to use
form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here?
How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

I tried to use brief and short paragraphs with a decent amount of spacing to help the viewer get a feel of this as something that could come out in a QRG.

The QRG consists of short paragraphs that are concise and well spaced out. Therefore, this is what I attempted to emulate in the following adaption that I just created.

2)How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

It went okay. There a few bumps ideally about how to space the content out to make it look pleasing to the eyes. Apart from that, the process was pretty straightforward.

Reflection on the Production of Project 2

Here is a rough cut of my second project here. I chose to do my second project as a Quick Reference Guide. Some things to notice is I might lack some images in my Project 2 as well as the length of my project.

1)What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

Some of the successes were to actually get a rough draft of the project produced. To me, that is a major step towards getting the project done. Also, having an outline to work with when starting on the actual draft of the project was a big win for me.

2)What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

I think one major thing that might have gone wrong this week was being able to go more in depth into my rough cut such as adding images to my QRG. Also, I am unsure about how many examples I used in my rough cut. I think I might have not used enough examples for each genre.

3)How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

I think next week will go better than this week as cleaning up the rough cut of the project has been the simplest of the phases of the project (based on experience from the past). Hopefully, I can do the proper editing and processing on my project to form a fun and informative project.

4)How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

As of now, I feel pretty well about the project. I know I'm going to have to edit very critically on my rough cut to make sure I hit all the marks that the project guide has set for me. Otherwise, I'm getting good sensations about this project.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

Here is a table I made which states what aspects of the production I will be tackling this week in production as well as what resources I will be using and the dates and locations that each piece of production will be tackled.

Audience Question: How are you going to manage your time and get everything done next week?

Phase of Project
Initiating Date
Date Complete
Location (@ time)
Resources Required
Introduction and first genre example (chemical education paper).
SEL library (5 pm)
Laptop, genre examples, internet
2nd and 3rd genres (chemical thinking video and chemical poster).
SEL library (5 pm)
Laptop, genre examples, internet
Working on Conclusion (comparing concepts similar and different among examples within each genre).
Apartment (@ 7 pm)
Laptop, genre examples, internet
Completing Rough Draft
My home (@ 3 pm)
Laptop, genre examples, internet

Changes made after completion and why: I plan on making changes based on the vocabulary I used in my rough draft as well as how many times I used certain words so I will not sound repetitive in my rough draft.

Reflection on Pre-Production

I present to you my reflection on the pre-production of this project so far. Compared to last project's pre-production phase, this time around seems to a bit more enjoyable mainly because I got to interview folks (and that was fun for me...maybe I should major in Radio). Enjoy!

Audience Questions

1)What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

Some of the successes involved obtaining my interviews from my interviewees Dr. Talanquer and Dr. Aspinwall. They helped find useful resources for examples in their field such as PubMed, an academic journal database and Talanquer's home research page.

2)What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
Some challenges for this week was being able to identify different genres in the field of chemistry. We needed at least 3 examples and well most of the professional chemical content out there is published as an academic journal (or text). I managed however, to find a source of chemical education videos as a different genre in Chemistry.

3)How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Next week, I think next week will go somewhat well. My only concern is that I might not be able to get a response from professor Bottai during spring break quick enough (since we'll be on break). Other than that, I think I'm in the best position right now for next week.

4)How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

At this point, I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of what the project is needing me to do and how to do it. Thanks to the class lectures, I now know how to tackle the genres of my field and understand what things to analyze such as rhetorical strategies and evidences to support the strategies identified from the examples.