Thursday, May 5, 2016

Editorial Report 15a

The following is a section of my brief conclusion.

Audience Questions

1)How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I think the outro-duction includes an better outroduction because of the music. This addition of musical content helps the audience feel more like they are truly listening to a podcast.

2)How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

    The form changed a bit drastically where I included the same intro song into my outro so that the audience can recognize unconsciously that things are being wrapped up.

    “Selection from ‘Rough Cut’” '


    “Re-edited Selection”


    Editorial Report 15b

    The following is a section of my brief introduction.

    Audience Questions

    1)How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

    I think the introduction includes an better introduction because of the music. This addition of musical content helps the audience feel more like they are truly listening to a podcast.

    2)How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

    The form changed a bit drastically where I included an intro song to give the podcast more flavor.

    “Selection from ‘Rough Cut’” '


    “Re-edited Selection”


    Peer Review for Sofia Haserot

    I did my peer review for the wonderful Sofia Haserot. Here is sweet and simple peer review of her rough draft and what I told her she could maybe improve on.

    Perform the activity and then write a concise but detailed blog post that includes:
    • Sofia Haserot, "Open Post to Peer Reviewers."
    • I made a copy-editing suggestion.
    • I think I barely helped dear Sofia simply for the fact that I thought her podcast was near damn perfect so I did not really give her much advice.
    • I incorporated some genre convention ideas from the Student's Reading book.
    • I just straight up loved how Sofia managed to make the "scripted" version of a podcast actually work and sound relate-able. Sofia, kudos to you!

    my comment (roughly): "Hi Sofia, Marvin here. I truly enjoyed your podcast. It was relatively small compared to the usual student podcast....but that's incredible!You said practically everything you needed to and I freaking enjoyed that!Um, let's see I would just suggest maybe at your conclusion adding a crazy story of you staying up late or something like that (which honestly is not necessary but just a thought).

    Fantastic work Sofia!"

    Open Post to Peer Reviewers

    The following is a rough cut of my final project. I will be explaining some weaknesses and strengths about this project so far.

    Author Response
    Explain, with some specificity, your thoughts and feelings about the following:
    • I hope you keep in my mind my attempt to cross over as much of the course as I could in terms of the 4 main projects.
    • I guess some weaknesses is that there is not really a smooth transition of sorts neither is there any sound effects of any kind and the only music is in the introduction.
    • I am very optimistic that it sounds unscripted since everything I did was basically not coming from a script of sorts or was completely staged.

    The rough cut can be found here.

    Monday, May 2, 2016

    Peer Review for Jason Boley

    I did a content outline suggestion for the incredibly gifted Jason Boley!

    Select one of the following peer review activities. Consult the “Questions to Consider When Giving Feedback” section on Student’s Guide pages 71-3, as well as any of the suggested Student’s Guide selections.

    Perform the activity and then write a concise but detailed blog post that includes:
    • I gave a content outline suggestion to Mr. Boley.
    • I think I helped Jason get a wider idea of the possibilities that he could do with the video genre.
    • I used the Student Readings book's information on genre conventions to give Jason a concrete piece of advice of what he could do on the genre of video.
    • I thoroughly Jason's creativity and organization of his work.

    My comment can be found here.

    Production Report b

    The following is a cleaned up version of what I plan to say in my conclusion of my podcast.

    Audience Questions
    1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

    I presented more content to make it feel like a conclusion with more detail and more sentences.

    2)How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

    There was minor difficulties since I plan on just speaking casually instead of scripted for the podcast.

    “Outline Item” 


    Overall, I hope to keep progressing in the world as a writer and manage my time better. Also, I hope to help those of my peers better.

    “Adaptation of Outline Item”


    Overall, I hope to keep progressing in the world as a writer and manage my time better. Writing as I understand it is simply just another manifestation for being imaginative and producing wonderful forms of communication.  As I was proven in this course as I had to produce "writing" in many genres such as the podcast or the video or QRG or back to the roots of the simple essay. It gave me new reasons to enjoy producing work again as the typical essay standard of schools began to dull me and destroy slowly my inner creative freedom.

    I hope to help those of my peers better in future courses thanks to the editing and suggestion skills I have developed through this course. The future of writing looks ever more so in my favor and that is a good reason to smile.

    Production Report a

    The following is a cleaned up version of what I plan to say in my introduction of my podcast.

    Audience Questions
    1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

    I presented more content to make it feel like an intro with more detail and more sentences.

    1. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

    There was minor difficulties since I plan on just speaking casually instead of scripted for the podcast.

    “Outline Item” 


    Attention Grabber: I'm an 80's wrestler when it comes to writing. I got only one good gimmick and it's managed to keep my tush afloat academic wise in every course that has required writing of sorts throughout my academic career. Like many 80's wrestlers though, I've had to adapt myself to a new era. The era known as college. *Gulps*

    “Adaptation of Outline Item”


    Attention Grabber: I'm an 80's wrestler when it comes to writing. I got only one good gimmick and it's managed to keep my tush afloat academic wise in every course that has required writing of sorts throughout my academic career. Like many 80's wrestlers though, I've had to adapt myself to a new era. The era known as college. *Gulps*

    The history of my writing can be traced back to when I was a wee lad dreaming of making movies, songs, comic books, the works so to speak. I would read mainly comic books, online sports articles, movie articles, etc. I never really read anything academic or formal like unless it is for school or it is something that catches my eye like say classic novels like Great Gatsby.

    Time management wise, I have been getting better. I would always do things way ahead of time when I was younger then something snapped. I am now tend to procrastinate a bit often which is a really bad habit like drugs and rock n roll. Okay maybe not rock but still you get the idea.